Sunday 14 June 2009

Extract from LVMF: Townscape View: The Queen’s Walk to Tower of London 25A.1, 25A.2 and 25A.3

Foreground and Middle Ground
414 No development should occur in the foreground because the direct relationship between the Tower of London and the river is essential for it to be recognised and appreciated by the viewer. The trees in the middle ground are an important element in the setting of the Tower of London in the view.

415 Development in the background of the view should relate positively to the Tower of London, including all its constituent parts, in views from viewing location 25A. From all Assessment Points, the World Heritage Site should continue to dominate its surroundings. It is particularly important that anynew development relates positively to the White Tower.

416 Elements in the backdrop of the White Tower would undermine the ability of the viewer to appreciate the landmark and its historical significance to the development of London and the nation as a whole. Any proposed development which breaks the consultation plane of the Landmark Background Assessment Area of the Protected Vista and will be visible above the White Tower will be refused.

417 Proposals sited elsewhere than behind the White Tower and beyond the immediate setting in the distant background, must respect the historic significance of the World Heritage Site. New development should not dominate the WHS ensemble.

418 Early pre-application discussions with the relevant planning authorities and statutory consultees, including the Historical Royal Palaces, are recommended for any proposals regarding tall buildings affecting the wider setting of the Tower of London.

419 Development that would change the silhouette of the White Tower when viewed from Assessment Points 25A.2 and 25A.3, or points in between, would have a negative impact on the setting of the landmark. The World Heritage Site is therefore subject to a Protected Silhouette when viewed from any position at or between 25A.2 and 25A.3 (defined by the purple lines on the photographs). Development that affects this silhouette will be refused by the Mayor and should be refused by the relevant local authority.

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